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Do kittens need more wellness exams than adult cats?

Do kittens need more wellness exams than adult cats? - The Drake Center

We’re initially going to see kittens right after you adopt them. And then we need to see them every three weeks until they're four months old for their vaccine series. And then when they're about six months old, they're going to be examined again, and that's the time that we do the spay or the neuter.

Do kittens need more wellness exams than adult cats? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

They sure do. With kittens, there are many more things that are changing. They need more vaccines early on to get their immune system ready, so they come in every three to four weeks at first to get the appropriate vaccine series. And then we watch trends as they're growing and changing to make sure things are on par for where we want them.

Do kittens need more wellness exams than adult cats? - Haywood Veterinary Hospital

Yes, kittens require more frequent exams during their first few months of life as they are rapidly growing and developing. These visits ensure that everything is changing and maturing at the right pace. Additionally, kittens need booster vaccinations to build proper immunity for adulthood.