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Will my tomcat stop running away if I neuter him?

Will my tomcat stop running away if I neuter him? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

He'll have a lesser chance. Some behaviors are learned. So especially in older male cats, it may become a pattern, which is why we recommend neutering younger ones before these have a chance to become a pattern. By removing the testosterone, they will not want to chase a female or at least not be hormonally directed to chase a female or mark with urine because we'll be removing that influence. But if you wait too long and they've already learned that it's not guaranteed. Sometimes it does get better, but it doesn't always go back to zero if you have a 10-year-old tomcat who's outdoors and used to doing his thing. Although, it certainly doesn't hurt. I still recommend it for numerous other health reasons. Behavior is always one of those things, but it's not guaranteed to fix all problems. He may be adventurous, and he'll stay that way.

Will my tomcat stop running away if I neuter him? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Neutering an intact male cat can reduce their desire to roam in search of mates and defend their territory, which may keep them closer to home. However, it's still recommended to keep your cat indoors for their safety. Neutering also helps prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduces the overpopulation of feral cat communities.

Will my tomcat stop running away if I neuter him? - DePorre Veterinary Hospital

It'll definitely help. The sooner that it's done the better because once that behavior becomes ingrained and the cat's a little bit older, the benefits are a lot lower. However, if we do that early, they will be a lot less likely to want to get out and run away.

Will my tomcat stop running away if I neuter him? - All Animals Veterinary Clinic

This depends on the situation. If the tomcat is young, neutering him early can help reduce his tendency to run away. However, if he is over a year old and has learned that running away helps him find females, this behavior is learned and we can't always correct it.