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Will my cat’s personality change after being spayed or neutered?

Will my cat’s personality change after being spayed or neutered? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Usually no. We get this question from two angles. Some people have very sweet, loving cats, and they worry that will change, and it doesn't. Or, they have a little more rambunctious animals that they're hoping will change after the surgery. While some behaviors can change, a lot of the ones people want to change, like hyperactivity and those attributes, are not affected by the procedure. Some of those behaviors are learned and not affected by the lack of hormones. So it's not a cure-all for behavioral problems. It doesn't hurt, but it may not help.

Will my cat’s personality change after being spayed or neutered? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

No, your cat's personality will not change after spaying or neutering. If your cat is sweet and cuddly, they will remain that way. If they're rambunctious and adventurous, those traits will persist as well.

Will my cat’s personality change after being spayed or neutered? - DePorre Veterinary Hospital

We don't really see much in the way of personality changes, at least not what we would consider to be things that happen in a bad way. There will be personality changes in the scenario that the cat's not going into heat anymore, so we won't have those behaviors. Male cats won't be as likely to mark or want to get outside and roam and do things like that, so those things will change. Generally, the attentiveness of the cat, how loving they are, and their behaviors that we would find desirable don't change very much.

Will my cat’s personality change after being spayed or neutered? - All Animals Veterinary Clinic

Generally, it's uncommon for their personality to change after the spay or neuter. They may take some time to recover, but they usually do not become aggressive or frightened after these procedures.