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Will my cat gain weight after a spay or neuter?

Will my cat gain weight after a spay or neuter? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

It's possible. Usually, that has less to do with the spay and neuter itself and more that we tend to do those procedures around the same time their metabolism is slowing down anyway. They're maturing and becoming an adult. It's kind of like hitting your thirties. It's the same thing in our cats. We do watch their diet, but we do that regardless of their age, making sure they don't put on too much weight.

Will my cat gain weight after a spay or neuter? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Weight gain depends on the cat and how much you're feeding them. Spaying or neutering does not directly cause weight gain. However, life stage changes and overfeeding can lead to obesity in some cats. It's important to monitor their food intake and adjust accordingly.

Will my cat gain weight after a spay or neuter? - DePorre Veterinary Hospital

That's always a little bit of a concern because after their spay or neuter, their metabolism will go down a little bit and their calorie requirements will decrease a little bit. That's just something we have to keep in mind when we're talking about what diet they're eating and how much they're eating. As long as we manage the diet effectively, there really shouldn't be any weight gain.

Will my cat gain weight after a spay or neuter? - All Animals Veterinary Clinic

It is possible that your cat may gain weight after a spay or neuter, but this is not directly related to the procedure itself. We are removing organs that produce a lot of hormones and these hormones generally increase the cat's energy levels. When these organs are removed, the cat may have less energy. Therefore, it's crucial for you to monitor their activity levels and adjust their food quantity accordingly.