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How long is the recovery after my cat’s spay or neuter?

How long is the recovery after my cat’s spay or neuter? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Since neuters are a little bit less invasive, they tend to heal a little bit quicker. We don't put stitches in the male, so it's just keeping them a little quiet. It's usually about five to seven days of keeping them quiet. We will get them back to normal. Sometimes they act like nothing happened the second they wake up, but I recommend treating them with kid gloves for a couple of days since they did have surgery. They deserve to be spoiled. In females, since we do go into the abdomen to take out the uterus, it's a little bit more invasive. It's about a week to 10 days of just keeping them quiet and comfortable. We do a good job managing pain, so they tend to stay comfortable. Again, it's more about keeping them from being too active. That's the problem more than anything else.

How long is the recovery after my cat’s spay or neuter? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Recovery usually takes about a week. Cats may rebound faster, but it's important to let them take it easy, especially for females who have been spayed. Males may recover a bit faster, but on average, expect about a week for the incision to heal.

How long is the recovery after my cat’s spay or neuter? - DePorre Veterinary Hospital

Generally, the recovery is about one to two weeks. For neuters, for male cats, its actually very quick. They just have a really small incision over each testicle and then those incisions heal up quickly and they generally don't require much aftercare as long as we can make sure the incisions don't get infected or anything like that. For female cats, it's a little bit longer of a process. They have an incision in the abdomen, so we need to make sure we keep them calm and keep the incision protected for enough time to let that heal, which can take about two weeks or so.

How long is the recovery after my cat’s spay or neuter? - All Animals Veterinary Clinic

Typical recovery times are usually about 10 to 14 days. The first few days after surgery are the most critical as the body begins to heal. It's very important to keep your cat calm during this time.