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Do I need to consider flea and tick prevention for my cat’s preventive care?

Do I need to consider flea and tick prevention for my cat’s preventive care? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Definitely, even if your cat is a strictly indoor cat, there are multiple reasons that that will factor in, but especially our outdoor cats are more at risk. However, with our indoor cats, we often have another pet that may go in and out. Maybe we have one cat that's all indoors, but one that goes in and out, or our dog, or we go in and out of the house. All of those factors can put your pet at risk, and there are things that can come indoors, like mosquitoes that can transmit heartworms and put your pet at risk. With flea and tick prevention, we are often protecting not only against flea and tick but also against intestinal or heartworms. You may not see any fleas or ticks on your cat that goes in and out, but they often groom them off. They may miss one, and one turns into thousands fairly quickly. So it's just good to have the preventive on there that takes care of the multiple things and keeps your cat healthier.

Do I need to consider flea and tick prevention for my cat’s preventive care? - Four Paws At Fulshear

Even if your cat is indoor-only, flea and tick prevention is still important. Fleas can come inside on us or other pets, and here in Texas, we also have to worry about heartworm disease which is transmitted by mosquitoes that can come inside. Once a cat gets heartworms, it's very difficult to treat, so prevention is key.