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What kind of food is best to give a kitten, an adult, and a senior cat?

What kind of food is best to give a kitten, an adult, and a senior cat? - Countryside Veterinary Clinic

Kittens should get food labeled for kittens. They're going to have higher amounts of fat and protein compared to regular adult foods, which they need. Adult cats should get food labeled for adult cats, depending on their age. Sometimes they have ones for younger cats versus older cats. Some cats need an indoor formula because they're not very active, but you want something explicitly labeled for an adult cat and an indoor cat if that's what they are. Senior cats need a senior diet, as they’re going to require fair amounts of protein and fat, but a little bit less than a kitten and our adult food. Senior cat food will also have less magnesium, phosphorous, calcium, and other things that can cause some problems in older cats, and we want to maintain their lean muscle mass as they get older. You always want to make sure you're feeding a food explicitly labeled for your cat’s age.