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Who else can scan my cat's microchip if they get lost?

Who else can scan my cat's microchip if they get lost? - The Waggin' Train Veterinary Clinic

Most veterinarians nowadays have that. The technology's changed a lot in the 20 or so years. When microchipping was first invented, whatever brand of chip was implanted, you'd have to have their scanner to detect it. So you could have a scanner for brand A, and that cat was microchipped with brand B, and it wasn’t going to pick it up. Thankfully, it's not like that anymore. Now, they have universal scanners that can detect any make and model of chip, making it quick and easy to identify.

Who else can scan my cat’s microchip if they get lost? - Checkout Veterinary

Some police and sheriff's departments have microchip scanners, and almost every veterinary clinic will have one. The first thing we do if a pet is brought to us, whether it is a dog or cat that somebody has found, is scan for that microchip. If we find one, we contact the database where the microchip is registered, so they can start phoning you and getting your cat back home.

Who else can scan my cat’s microchip if they get lost? - Haywood Animal Hospital

Only animal shelters and animal hospitals have the capability to scan pet microchips. If someone not affiliated with these organizations were to somehow obtain a scanner, all they would be able to access is the microchip number. They could then look up the registry that the microchip is linked to, but they would not be able to access your personal information without your consent.