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How often should my cat be scanned after implanting a microchip?

How often should my cat be scanned after implanting a microchip? - Countryside Veterinary Clinic

We immediately scan it to make sure it's working. At Countryside Veterinary Clinic, every time they come in for a well-check, we scan it, or anytime you might want to ask us to double-check that it's there, in place, and that you can count on it, we'll be happy to scan that for you.

How often should my cat be scanned after implanting a microchip? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

We try to scan them every time they're in for a visit. That's at least once a year if your cat comes in for an annual check-up. We recommend that they come in two times a year, so that's two sure times they get scanned. We also scan them if they come in due to illness. We like to keep tabs to make sure the microchips are working properly.