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When will my veterinarian order lab work for my cat?

When will my veterinarian order lab work for my cat? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

We may order that as a general baseline or wellness test to determine if your pet is hiding anything or having some reference values. The other time is most likely when your cat isn’t feeling well, and they can't tell us why they don't feel well, so we'll run specific lab tests to help determine what's wrong.

When will my veterinarian order lab work for my cat? - Brunswick Veterinary Hospital

Your vet might order lab work for your cat if they suspect an underlying illness. During a comprehensive physical exam, we might discover previously unnoticed signs of illness that warrant further investigation. In such cases, we order comprehensive lab work to understand what's happening with the cat's different body systems.

When will my veterinarian order lab work for my cat? - Northern Oaks Bird & Animal Hospital

Generally, we're going to do this annually and if your cat's a senior we'll want to do it twice a year. We'll also order it if your cat is sick or if your cat is going to undergo any anesthetic procedure to ensure safety.