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What is a baseline lab test and why is it important?

What is a baseline lab test and why is it important? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Baseline is your pet's normal. We know the general normal values on a lab screen, but it's what your pet's normal is. And so, if we have a baseline and later there are some abnormalities, we know the degree of the abnormality based on your pet's baseline.

What is a baseline lab test and why is it important? - Brunswick Veterinary Hospital

A baseline lab test is essentially a lab test conducted on a patient when they're healthy. This provides a point of comparison for future instances when the cat might fall sick or if there's a progression of a known illness. It helps us understand if there's progression, if the current state is expected for this patient, or if there's something new or more concerning happening.

What is a baseline lab test and why is it important? - Northern Oaks Bird & Animal Hospital

A baseline lab test is going to be a CBC chemistry and urinalysis. That helps us to determine what's going on inside your cat that they can't tell us externally.