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How do I give my cat eye drops?

How do I give my cat eye drops? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

It depends on your cat and how tolerable it is. Some cats you can put in your lap, ball them up, lift their head, pull an eyelid back, and gently drop an eye drop in there.

There are some cats where having a cat burrito can be helpful. Get a towel you can wrap around your cat to keep all the legs and the rear end in, and keep the cat from going in different directions. Have an extra person or friend that can support the cat and hold the head still so you can concentrate on the eyelid and put the drop in. Gravity is your friend. Don't try to put a cat's eye drop in sideways. You want to have the head tilted back to have the eyedrops dropping down. Never let the tip of the eyedrop touch anything either because it should be kept sterile.