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What happens to my cat during an X-ray?

What happens to my cat during an X-ray? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

With x-rays, I tell clients that it's a noninvasive test that we do. So physically, they're going to go into our x-ray room, and they're going to have to lay on a table. Usually, for cats, it's not terribly uncomfortable. They're fairly cooperative with that. When we talk about our dogs, sometimes we have really big dogs that are harder to get up on a table. We can see big cats too, but most of our cats are still within the ability to be able to pick them up and put them. We also have positioning trays available to make that more comfortable for them if needed, whether they're lying on their back or whether their leg might be extended in order to get a certain view for that. But usually, if they're not painful, they're fairly cooperative throughout the procedure.