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What happens if there is still no diagnosis after cat diagnostic imaging?

What happens if there is still no diagnosis after cat diagnostic imaging? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Sometimes we may not get the diagnosis, but we may rule out that something else might not be going on. So sometimes, those normal results are just as important as the abnormal results, and that can be hard to realize or remember when you're paying for that test. But the test can give us information on both sides of it. We may consider advanced imaging, which I call the CT or the MRI. We may refer you to a specialist if we haven't found the answer or test the response to treatment. In that case, we can have a set of differentials that we think are possible. We treat for that and see the response to treatment to see if your pet gets better. Sometimes you have to do that because there's a financial issue that makes that the only choice for the owner, where more testing or even referral may not be an option.