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Why are antibiotics and pain medications sometimes subscribed for my cat’s dental?

Why are antibiotics and pain medications sometimes subscribed for my cat’s dental? - Family Pet Veterinary Center

We want to make sure every pet has a fear-free and pain-free experience. So we try to utilize calming techniques in the office and minimize the fear, anxiety, and stress they may go through. And we do a pretty good job of that. We use many different techniques. And when we see painful problems, we don't want to wait until it gets bad. We want to address it. We know it's a painful problem. So we like to use pain management before, during, and after the procedure. And many times, we use nerve blocks. The numbness will go away, but the analgesia, the pain-relieving component, will last 24 to 96 hours without you having to do anything at home. And so when we need antibiotics, when we need pain meds, we're going to use them, and not every patient needs those.

Why are antibiotics and pain medications sometimes subscribed for my cat’s dental? - Briar Patch Veterinary Hospital

Pain medications are necessary to provide relief after any painful or extraction procedures in the cat's mouth. Antibiotics, on the other hand, are prescribed less frequently and are only necessary if there is a severe infection, an abscess, or extensive surgical procedures performed in the mouth.