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What kind of dental and oral problems can cats have?

What kind of dental and oral problems can cats have? - The Waggin' Train Veterinary Clinic

There's a wide array of things they can have, the most common being simple gingivitis. You can have periodontal disease, and you can have tumors or growths in the mouth. You can have broken teeth. Cats are especially prone to what's called oral resorptive lesions. I think that's a pretty thorough list of them that we see. Depending on what we find, they all require different types of treatment.

What kind of dental and oral problems can cats have? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Cats can have broken teeth because they chewed on something they shouldn't have or took some type of trauma blow. They can have severe Gingivitis, as we had talked about. Tooth resorption is something that's unfortunately very common in cats. And it is a cavity-like syndrome that occurs underneath the gum line where the teeth slowly resorb, and it’s an excruciating process in cats. We see stomatitis, which is an inflammation of the gums. Once again, we see masses, growths, tumors, and foreign bodies.