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Can cats get cavities?

Can cats get cavities? - Advanced Animal Care

Cats can get cavities. Many times, cats end up getting what we call things like neck lesions, which is kind of like a cavity where the tooth meets the gumline. Cats are also prone to resorbing their tooth roots, so there are some cap dentition things that can occur.

Can cats get cavities? - Briar Patch Veterinary Hospital

Cats can indeed get cavities, which are often referred to as resorptive lesions in cats. These lesions are different from traditional cavities in humans, as they involve erosion of the enamel and dentin, exposing the inside of the tooth. This can be very painful for cats. Resorptive lesions can be identified during a routine wellness exam or a special visit if your cat is experiencing discomfort.

Can cats get cavities? - Horizon Animal Hospital

Cats don't get true cavities or caries, as they're called in the human world, but they do get some lesions called odontoclastic resorptive lesions. This is a unique issue that predominantly happens with cats, which act very much like cavities where the actual tooth enamel and the dentin becomes resorbed. They can become very fragile and be painful for the cat.