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Are there ever circumstances when a cat can get their teeth cleaned without anesthesia?

Are there ever circumstances when a cat can get their teeth cleaned without anesthesia? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Well, honestly, no. You might hear people doing anesthetic-free dental cleanings, but there's no such thing. They can break off the tartar, but that's not dealing with the problems under the gum line. Those instruments cause erosions in the enamel, making it easier for debris to build back up in the future.

Are there ever circumstances when a cat can get their teeth cleaned without anesthesia? - Family Pet Veterinary Center

It's been tried and done, but it's cleaning the stuff off the top—like what I can touch, but it's not working in the gingival sulcus. The gingival sulcus is the space between the gum and the tooth, and if you go in there when the cat is awake, you're going to damage the soft tissues of the mouth and cause a lot of bleeding and pain, and you'll miss problems. And so if you clean the teeth and make them look prettier while the cat is awake, you're still missing things and leaving the pet with an 80% chance of having a painful mouth still present, and potentially make things worse.

Are there ever circumstances when a cat can get their teeth cleaned without anesthesia? - Briar Patch Veterinary Hospital

No, anesthesia is crucial for protecting the cat's airway during the dental procedure. The cleaning process involves a scaler with a lot of water, just like at a human dental appointment. Since cats cannot be taught not to swallow or inhale the water, an endotracheal tube is placed in their throat to protect their airway while under anesthesia.