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How are my cat’s skin allergies treated?

How are my cat’s skin allergies treated? - Carolina Value Pet Care

In two ways. Primarily, we first need to find out the problem's source. I say two ways, but it depends on the problem. If I suspect a food allergy, then first things first, we're going to change the diet. The three most common causes of food allergies in cats are dairy, fish, and beef. That's going to account for the majority of food allergies we see in cats. If we suspect a food allergy, first, let's change the diet. With flea allergies, pretty simple, we'll get them an effective flea product. We carry a range of different flea products that do work, not like the crap you buy at the pet stores and such. I like to give those cats a cortisone shot, not for the fleas but for the relief from the intense itching, biting, scratching, licking, and chewing they're doing. If they get a seasonal allergy, typically, the first thing I'm going to do is also give those cats a cortisone shot. I should mention the cortisone shot usually lasts about four to six weeks. So it gives them plenty of time to get some relief from the itching, which takes a few days but also gives them continuous protection from the itching, so they're not back at ripping themselves again. We have to get those allergies under control. With the seasonal allergies, at the very minimum, I'll encourage pet owners to start taking the washcloth and water and keep wiping their kitties down three times a day to remove any pollens, dust, and things of that nature that could be triggering a seasonal or environmental allergy.

How are my cat’s skin allergies treated? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

We can prescribe some medication that can be taken orally to treat skin allergies. We can also partner again with a dermatologist to do customized allergy shots for your cat with seasonal allergies.

How are my cat’s skin allergies treated? - Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital

Well that depends on what's causing it. We may do a food trial if it's food related, we may do some steroids if we need to, or some antihistamines, and if it's just a nasty infection that's causing some of that, we're going to do some shampoos and mousses and some antibiotics.