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Purrfectly Prepared: Cat Care Basics

Cats are majestic creatures that amaze us with their purring, cuddling, playful antics and unique personalities. If you are an experienced cat owner or someone considering adopting their first feline companion, one thing is sure - caring for these delightful creatures is a thrilling experience.

Have a local veterinarian identified in advance

We all have one thing in common as pet owners: our uninhibited affection for our faithful companions. However, freeing up time to take our pets to the vet can be challenging, particularly with our increasingly hectic work schedules and busy lives. Looking at a Mobile Veterinarian in Houston, TX, we can only say that the world of animal healthcare is witnessing a transformative shift, all thanks to the presence of mobile veterinarians. These dedicated professionals are revolutionizing how we care for our pets by bringing veterinary services right to the homes of pet owners.

Dog smelling plant

This positive change is particularly evident in major cities like Houston, TX, where scheduling a mobile veterinarian is now a viable option. The best part is that these services are tailored to fit your schedule. Besides, we know that pets often find traditional in-person vet visits unsettling. However, mobile vets have found an ingenious solution by visiting the comforting and familiar environment of the pet's home. This approach dramatically reduces the stress and unease associated with typical vet clinic visits.

Understanding your cat's behavior


One critical thing to acknowledge before adoption is that cats are natural-born predators; they possess a remarkable instinct for tracking and swiftly capturing small prey. Although your cat may not be stalking and pouncing on you (hopefully!), this behavior can manifest in other ways - such as chasing shadows or imaginary bugs.

Ensuring your beloved cat has an abundance of toys and playtime is crucial to helping them channel their natural predatory instincts safely and healthily.

How to feed your cat

As meat-eating animals, cats thrive on a diet rich in animal protein. In addition, plant-based ingredients in commercial cat foods provide essential nutrients. To keep your cat healthy and happy, offer a diverse range of nutritious foods that cater to their dietary requirements.


A balanced feline diet includes the following:

  • Animal protein: This is essential for a cat's diet and should originate from various sources like seafood, poultry, and red meat.
  • Fat: This provides energy and helps the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. It also aids in the production of healthy skin and fur.
  • Carbohydrates: While not crucial for cats, carbohydrates can boost their energy reserves. However, cats with diabetes or other health problems may benefit from a low-carbohydrate diet.
  • Fiber: This aids in digestion and keeps cat hairballs under control.

Grooming and cleaning tips

Here are some simple cat hygiene tips that are useful as a foundation:

  • Regularly brushing your cat helps reduce shedding and keeps its coat shiny.
  • Bonding is a vital element of a human-cat relationship.
  • Get your cat's nails trimmed regularly for comfort and well-being - this maintains healthy growth and prevents discomfort from splitting. Only cut the nail tip, avoiding the quick (pink area of the nail).
  • Regularly bathe your cat with mild, unscented shampoo. Cats do not enjoy the water, so keeping them calm is crucial. Avoid soap and lukewarm water.

Learning about common illnesses and care

In a recent article by Dr Marti Dudley, the expert outlined ways to understand more about potential illnesses in our furry friends. Stomatitis in cats is not something we should avoid and just wait it out to pass - an unpleasant, irritating illness that affects their mouths. It is most commonly caused by overactive immune reactions to microorganisms in the mouth.

When your cat's stomatitis symptoms are detected early, you can intervene and alleviate them faster. Dudley commented, "Unfortunately, feline chronic gingivostomatitis (Stomatitis) cannot be fully prevented; however, steps can be done to help reduce plaque formation on teeth. Brushing routinely and providing appropriate dental treats/chews can help minimize plaque formation."

Meanwhile, upper respiratory infections are common in cats and can be caused by viruses or bacteria. Sneezing, congestion, double vision, and even a fever are all possible side effects. Feline herpesvirus is a respiratory, ocular, and cutaneous virus that can infect cats. The virus can be passed from cat to human through casual contact. The symptoms include sneezing, a stuffy nose, itchy, watery eyes, a high temperature, and sores on the tongue or gums. If your cat develops any of these conditions, get them assessed by a vet as soon as possible.

The respiratory system, eyes, skin, and joints of cats are all vulnerable to the effects of a virus known as feline calicivirus. The virus can be passed from cat to human through casual contact. The symptoms include sneezing, a stuffy nose, itchy, watery eyes, a high temperature, mouth sores, and muscle and joint discomfort.

Calico cat with mustache.

Tips on physical activity and recreation

It is advised to ease your cat into fun and play. Balls, toy mice, and feathers on a string are all practical examples of toys that will get them moving around. Allow them to explore at their speed and let them decide if they wish to participate. Playtime is important, so set aside at least 15 minutes daily - it can mean the world to them.


Treat your pets with the respect they deserve

Regardless of the stereotype of cats being solitary animals, they require considerable time and effort from their owners. This includes learning how to properly care for them properly - from grooming and feeding to providing a safe and exciting environment. Cats are always worth the effort we put into caring for them because of what they offer us - unconditional love.

Contributing DVM