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Book a demo of the industry-leading marketing program for veterinarians


What is your professional background, and what drew you to GeniusVets?

Before working at GeniusVets, I was the Production Manager at a full-service advertising agency in Carlsbad, CA, for six years. I really enjoyed learning about brand development but ultimately wanted a better work-life balance. I accepted the opportunity at GeniusVets because 1) I had already worked with Harley Orion at my last agency job and trusted him, and 2) I saw the management team's vision for transforming traditional veterinary marketing and was genuinely impressed. On a personal note, the benefits are excellent, the team we've created here is incredibly hard-working and kind, and as an employee I feel as though my life outside of work is valued, not just another body behind a machine expected to work to burnout. I never thought I could love my job, but I am living proof that it IS POSSIBLE! All thanks to GeniusVets.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

I had Client Service experience at my agency job and never felt it fit me properly. I am not one to enjoy small talk or sales, so it was very difficult for me to manage client communications day-to-day. I discovered web development and found the dev team to be more to my liking; more production, less face-time with clients. Eventually, I recognized that I am an introvert who thrives behind the curtain, left to my own devices. GeniusVets saw this personality trait and created the Director of Project Development just to suit my needs in the company. I hope to make them proud of that decision! Now, as the DPD, I work exclusively with the internal and external development teams, managing resources and timelines/tasks to build and launch successful websites for our veterinary clients. I enjoy this role and look forward to training other dedicated introverts in my department.

Tell us about your family, including furbabies!

Bryan Perrine is my husband and a Special Education Technician working for the San Diego Unified School District. We were both born and raised in SD, and our immediate families live here as well. We are remodeling my husband's childhood home and plan to stay here in San Diego forever!

Furbabies: We have two female boxer dogs, Lola (7) and Rosie (3). We don't have any children yet, so these pups are our whole lives!

Passions or hobbies outside of work...

In addition to both of our full-time jobs, we run a doggy daycare and boarding facility out of our home. It started as a hobby, but now it's a full-time side hustle! Outside of dog stuff - we like to find new places to travel each year, but Mexico holds a special place in our hearts.

What's a personal or professional accomplishment that you're really proud of?

I worked really hard to get where I am today professionally - a lot of dark times and perseverance. After I graduated from CSUF with the most basic bachelor's degree ever, I moved back home with my parents and then took a job at a local BevMo! just to make some money. I also worked as a receptionist at an executive suite for a week but got fired because they didn't like me lol. I was really struggling to get a job and was upset because I had so many plans for my future. When I applied to my dream agency and got denied the first time, I was dejected. However, I wanted it bad enough that I had to find another way inside. Therefore, I sought out, paid for, and enrolled in an internship course at a local community college just to get an unpaid internship at said agency. Finally, I had my foot in the door, and the same agency that denied my first application for a job due to lack of experience hired me after my internship! It took a full year after graduating, and I was 25 with no job experience, but I finally broke through, even when I thought it was impossible at times.

Have you had any funny animal encounters?

Everyday. My house is a zoo. Hosting 5-8 dogs on a daily basis is nuts.