
Share a few sentences about your professional background and what drew you to GeniusVets.

I have dabbled in many jobs, of which most involved remote working. After teaching non-English speaking children for a few years, I started a new career path in SEO. I worked as a content writer for an international company before finding GeniusVets. What drew me in most was the amazing work culture and supportive team. I also felt like some part of me would be missing if I did not get involved in the veterinary industry, given my great love for animals. I find the mission and cause of GeniusVets very attractive and am very greatful to be a part of it.

What do you love about your role? If you're new to the team, what drew you to this specific role?

What I love most about my role is that I will never stop learning new skills. As SEO is such an ever-evolving field, there will always be a new challenge on the horizon.

Pet Info

I have a sweet little kitty called Skittles and just about the goofiest pooch you'll ever meet, Koa. These two are best friends, despite all odds.

Passions or hobbies outside of work

I am very passionate about making music, and I love spending time on the beach with my dog.

What is one thing you've done that most people have likely never experienced?

I traveled across regions of Spain where English is not a common tongue. With my phone open on Google translate, I asked locals to guide me through the train stations by typing some directions. I must've gotten lost 100 times, but eventually found my way to the coast.

Do you have any funny animal encounter stories?

I once woke up because of a wiggling feeling on my pillow. Panicking, I turn on the light to find that a small bat had been snuggling with me for a while. The light obviously baffled him so he started flying around the room frantically, but I caught him with a blanket and gently set him free outside.

On a Sunday morning, you'll find me…

Walking my dog down the beach with my camera ready to catch her funny moments.