What is your professional background?
I have worked in the photography and film production industry since I graduated from college in 2012, having moved over to focusing on marketing and social media in more recent years. I absolutely love all things animal and nature related, so being able to combine both my professional passion and goals with my personal love was very attractive for me.
What do you love most about your job?
I love the team that I work with - sharing and learning together and continuously learning new skills is very valuable and there is always something new to learn!
Tell us about your family.
My husband Dale and I have been married for three years - we love planting trees and going on adventures together.
Do you have any pets?
Pingu, a 12-week-old Tuxedo Cat.
What are your hobbies and interests?
I love walking, gardening, reading, swimming, and exploring. I have a huge passion for forest restoration and sustainable farming (I would love to one day be able to grow all of my own food in my garden).
What is your favorite quote or piece of advice?
"Do something you love and you will never work a day in your life!"
Do you have any hidden talents?
I play the violin :)
What is one of the most memorable experiences you've had?
Watched Cape Parrots flying over endangered forest at sunrise while in the bath.
What is an achievement you're particularly proud of?
Personally - I lost 35 kilos with no coaching and taught myself to exercise and train weights, which was a huge achievement for me as I didn't grow up in a very active family!
What is a funny or interesting story about you?
- I have a sort of wild pet mongoose who lives behind our outdoor toilet. One morning I went to check the bathroom and I discovered that someone had left the toilet seat open and the mongoose had landed in the toilet by mistake (the mongoose had subsequently managed to get out of the toilet) but the evidence remained - think muddy claw and paw prints all over every surface inside and out, with two very defined prints where the mongoose managed to drag itself out the toilet (the mental image alone sent me into hysterical laughter).
- We have a lot of weaver birds in our garden and one morning I was sitting outside with my hair loose and the weaver thought it was good material for a nest and landed on my shoulder to try and pluck my hair out.
How do you like to spend your free time?
Reading a book, swimming, or going out for breakfast with my husband :)