
Share a few sentences about your professional background and what drew you to GeniusVets.

I have spent time in several different industries, having had leadership positions, entry level positions and everything in between I feel it has helped me be an understanding and supporting team member. I am also open to learn and always open to help. Having been a top performer in different sales environments, I am excited to help and contribute where I can. The culture was a big draw for me to join GeniusVets, I have heard nothing but good things about the team, the mission and the direction of the company and that is something I wanted to be apart of.

What do you love about your role? If you're new to the team, what drew you to this specific role?

I am excited I get the opportunity to share our mission with others and help connect Veterinary practices with the help, they sometimes don't know they need, to excel in their area. Veterinary care can often be an unknown and scary things for people and I am glad we can help practices connect with their clients to make it more manageable.

Family Info

My wife, Kelly Menichini, is 30 weeks pregnant with our daughter, Reya Dawn Menichini, who is due on January 17th. Kelly and I have been together since 2017, we both now work remote and live in Atlantic Beach, FL. She works in the Urban Forestry industry, selling technology to help people better understand their tree canopy or inventory and its effects on their environment. She inspired me to find work I am passionate about! In our free time we enjoy exercising, taking our 6-year Belgian malinois, Kona, on BIG walks or runs until the crazy boy is tired out or you can find us at home lounging with our 13 year old tabby cat whose name is kitty :)

Passions or hobbies outside of work

I am very passionate about health and fitness and am a marathon runner. In 2023 I ran 4 marathons (my first 4) I hope to do a couple a year and move towards ultra marathons and maybe ironmans as well. I also just enjoy hanging around with the family, reading a good book or watching a good tv show. Also love catching up with friends over a game of pickleball or volleyball when possible. Also just enjoy walking the beach and taking in the fresh air.

What's the best advice you've ever gotten?

I can't think of the best advice at the moment but how about one of my favorite quotes from Marcus Aurelius?? "At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: “I have to go to work — as a human being. What do I have to complain of, if I’m going to do what I was born for — the things I was brought into the world to do? Or is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay warm?"

Do you have any hidden/unique talents?

I can be a good listener and am always looking to help others.

What is one thing you've done that most people have likely never experienced?

I think running 4 marathons in a year? I also studied abroad in Fez, Morroco to learn arabic for 5 weeks.

What's a personal or professional accomplishment thtat you're really proud of?

In one of my first sales role I was a top contributor, as as result I was tasked with training and mentoring new reps. I really enjoyed help them find their stride and succeed. I am still connected with them today and they are moving up and doing awesome things. so fun to see them do well!

Do you have any funny animal encounter stories?

Generally I think my dog is pretty goofy, he is so smart you can almost see the thought behind his eyes and it is funny when he picks up on things that are happening.

On a Sunday morning, you'll find me…

Sipping coffee on the couch in the living room or out front, reading a book and relaxing with Kelly, Kona and Kitty