
Share a few sentences about your professional background and what drew you to GeniusVets.

My journey to becoming a front-end developer is a story of perseverance, self-learning, and passion for technology. My path is a testament to the idea that dedication and hard work can open doors in the ever-evolving world of web development. My interest in working for GeniusVets is rooted in a combination of shared values, a passion for the mission, and the belief that my skills and experiences make me well-suited to contribute to the company's continued success.

What do you love about your role? If you're new to the team, what drew you to this specific role?

I love that there is always more to learn in development.

Family Info

I have an amazing husband and 2 beautiful little girls. My husbands name is Michael and my girls names are Chloe River and Jade Summer. We have 2 beagles and 2 yorkies.

Passions or hobbies outside of work

I enjoy playing computer games, getting lost in a good book, night markets and music festivals.

What's the best advice you've ever gotten?

Life doesnt end at death.

Do you have any hidden/unique talents?

I up skill very quickly. And I think of ways to solve problems way out of the box.

What is one thing you've done that most people have likely never experienced?

Been kissed by a seal.

What's a personal or professional accomplishment thtat you're really proud of?

Being nominated for Human of the Year. The individual nominated for Human of the Year in a challenging industry/company in South Africa has demonstrated exceptional qualities and contributions that set them apart in a competitive environment. Their nomination is the culmination of a rigorous 12-month process involving coworker endorsements, where they have risen above a pool of 400 colleagues. In conclusion, this nominee for Human of the Year is not merely an exceptional professional but a compassionate and inspiring individual who has left an indelible mark on the company and its people.

Do you have any funny animal encounter stories?

Yes, watching my brother being chased by an ostrich. I was cry laughing.

On a Sunday morning, you'll find me…

In bed. Thinking about going to church.